5 Signs of an Up and Coming Leader

In 1 Samuel 10 Saul is anointed as King over Israel. As soon as he was anointed as the leader, 5 signs occurred that I see in the leaders of today (or I should say the great anointed leaders of today).
New Heart
God changed everything about him. His new heart gave him the compassion, the passion & determination to lead. He had a new found ability to control his emotions and thoughts in ways he never knew before. A new heart from God, brings new priorities & paths.
New Words
He prophesied with the prophets. He spoke about the things & plans of God with boldness and great conviction. This is certainly the characteristic of an anointed leader! He hears from God, and proclaims it with boldness. Not walking in fear of man, but in reverent fear of God!
New Followers
“Valiant” men immediately were called by God to go to his side. When you are an anointed leader, God will always send valiant men & women to surround you and hold up your arms. They will guard you, speak life into you, and also the truth-even if it hurts.
New Enemies
When you are truly an anointed leader, the vision God whispers in your ear and those words you hear from God and proclaim, will draw critics and enemies out of the wood work! Don’t be caught off guard. Great leaders have great enemies!
New Authority
“Do whatever the occasion requires, for God is with you.” God raises up great leaders for great purposes. When they begin to put everything in place to fulfill that great purpose, many decisions will have to be made. Great leaders show humility, honor & confidence in decision making.
Those following them trust them, because they can see God’s anointing on their lives. They know they hear from God, and are determined to do what God says, and only what God says!
So, the question should be: If you are a leader do you have all of these signs? If you don’t, maybe God hasn’t brought you to your full place of leadership yet. Be patient, you can’t rush the process! Saul lost his anointing for being impatient!

Tags: Artie Davis, Leadership Engine, Staff, Staff Development, Volunteer Culture