5 Areas Every Church Should Know How to Measure

I want to revisit the five primary spheres of church ministry that leaders should be tracking, quantifying, and measuring. All five areas can and should be covered on a regular basis and in a systematic way. Links are also included to help you unpack how to measure these areas and why it’s important to do so.
1. Discipleship
The greatest Kingdom investment is relationships. Being a good steward of people is what God cares about most. Ask yourself this question to make sure discipleship is a priority: Do you have a process to make sure that first-time guests become attenders, that attenders become members, and that members become involved in real community?
2. Financial
Are you tracking first-time donors? What about one that helps you easily access reports that shows when giving dips? How do you measure the financial health of your church?
3. Engagement
How are you measuring engagement? How can you quantify heart change and authentic community? How can you measure the authentic engagement? There is no one correct answer, but your church should have an answer that fits your unique community.
4. Assimilation
Not every church understands the true value of having a process for assimilation. Your church needs to be able to identify when a person’s involvement in the church community grows or declines. How are you measuring assimilation right now?
5. Overall Growth
Always remember—Numbers reflect lives changed. Kingdom work is the most important work we can apply ourselves to because it is the only work that has eternal implications. There is too much at stake to simply “fly blind” and not be intentional about how we lead the people God has entrusted to us.
Which area of church growth do you find most challenging to measure? What has tracking progress revealed at your church?
Click on the links above to begin a series detailing the 5 areas every church should measure.
Read more from Steve here.

Tags: Measures, Steve Caton, Vision Frame