Vision Recovery Process – Step 2: DEVELOP Your Strategy

As a part of Auxano’s Better Future Webinar Series, we will be posting videos and links here from this week’s topics.
Listed below are the next 30-minute “Vision Recovery Process” webinar videos, introduced this week as a part of our Better Future Webinar Series.
Please click on the images below to play the videos.
Tuesday, April 21
Thursday, April 23
Supporting resources discussed in the webinars are available as the following PDF downloads.
- Building a Virtual Team
- “Invest” Phase Worksheet
- Our Milestone
- “Invest” Phase Worksheet V2
> To receive these downloads, please complete this form; you will receive an email with download instructions.
Our team of Navigators is also offering free, 30 minute follow-up coaching calls. To schedule a call, please complete this form.

Tags: Better Future Web Series, Develop Your Strategy, Jim Randall, Vision Recovery Process