Where Does True Fulfillment Come from in Ministry Leadership?

Breakthrough ideas with Barrett:
- How can a church reach Christians who live in the city, from within the city, not just the suburbs?
- True fulfillment as a Christ-following leader comes from a deep sense of two key understandings.
- Why it is important to bring yourself back to your calling as a leader, not someone else’s.
- It is hard to truly rest if people are constantly in contact, and what to do about it.
- Every leader needs to know their symptoms of exhaustion and unkempt health.
- The importance of every small group having direct contact with this person.
- Marry Biblical Gospel rooted purpose with a vocational dream and people are not just looking for a job after school, they are being sent into a calling.
- The big problem of never really casting vision beyond week-to-week ministry engagement.
- How does the horizon storyline work and why is it important?
- Learn the art of “purposed nothingness” and how this makes room for the Holy Spirit.
- The one big idea to having a church of deep maturing disciples who are loving caring people reaching the lost.
- Three things that, together, are the source of life and effectiveness in ministry.
Breakthrough resources from this episode:
Zeal Without Burnout by Christopher Ash
Dangerous Calling by Paul David Tripp
New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp
Barrett Bowden is the pastor of Island Community Church, a young and thriving congregation in downtown Memphis. Barrett has a heart for leading the church to invest in its unique, urban context and to cultivate missional leaders with a heart for the nations. Barrett is married to Michelle, an adolescent pediatrician in the Memphis area, and they have one adorable daughter, Caroline Jane.

Tags: Barrett Bowden, Bryan Rose, Fulfillment, Island Community Church