You Cannot Fight Uncertainty with Certainty, It Takes Clarity

“To lead by rallying people around a better future, albeit unknown, requires clarity first.”
– Will Mancini, Auxano co-founder, in Church Unique
Welcome to a world devoid of best practices, proven strategies, and models to follow. We are all in some ways pastors, parents, or people leading from a playbook being written after each successive play. The second week of March 2020 pulled back the curtain on our leadership confidence, and we now stand in a moment of naked uncertainty.
Here’s the thing though, the opposing force of uncertainty is not certainty: it is clarity.
The clarity to lead toward God’s better future will not come from confidence in a tactic or plan, as those are changing hour-by-hour. Clarity will only emerge from faith in the One who placed your unique church, in your unique place, with your unique people, with your unique passion for accomplishing something that no other church can accomplish. Tactics, strategic plans, coaching…those are all great leadership tools—when you have some sense of what’s next.
On Thursday, March 19, 2020, the Auxano team will launch the Better Future Web Series. As of today (no explanation necessary on that disclaimer LOL), we are planning to bring 20-25 minutes of helpful, practical content and conversation for church teams every weekday morning at 11:00 a.m. EDT/10:00 a.m. CDT.
In this no-cost, daily leadership moment, our team of Navigators will deliver timely content designed to bring breakthrough clarity in a season of unprecedented uncertainty. Will Mancini is kicking us off on Thursday by unpacking Four Paths to the Future from his book Innovating Discipleship (here’s a limited-time free PDF download to read more).
There is no charge or sign up necessary for the Better Future Web Series. Jump on right here when and if you can. Bring a team if it works. Bandwidth is limited, but we plan to offer replays and follow-up tools…whatever it takes.
Right now we do not know what may be next, but what we DO know is that we are more committed than ever to creating breakthrough clarity with your church team to realize God’s better future!

Tags: Better Future Web Series, Clarity, Fighting Uncertainty