10 Commandments for Creating a Culture of Mission in Your Church

1. Thou shalt have a clear statement of mission and no agenda above that mission
2. Thou shalt have a clear definition of what mission success looks like
3. Thou shalt NEVER rely on attendance and giving alone for validation of the mission
4. Thou shalt have a clear picture of how every church activity relates to the mission
5. Thous shalt eliminate any activity that does not contribute toward the mission
6. Thou shalt structure leadership team roles around commandments 1, 2 and 4
7. Thou shalt create understanding of the mission through preaching
8. Thou shalt tell stories so that people feel the mission whenever possible
9. Thou shalt give to every person someone who will personally model the mission
10. Thou shalt recruit and train leaders who will follow the first nine commandments
Read more from Will here.

Tags: Mission, Will Mancini