6 Signs That You Are Coasting on Original Vision

I was recently dialoguing with a very successful pastor about the ten-year vision horizon of the large church he pastors.
He made a striking comment.
“I don’t want to coast on original vision.”
It made me wonder, how do you know if you might be coasting on a vision that “used to be?”
- You use adjectives that position the vision as historical: original, founding, previous, last season, former chapter, etc.
- You have increasing realization of how far you God has taken your ministry in the last five or ten years.
- You actually feel less excited about a the ideals, aspirations, or pictures of the future you used to have.
- People around you express ask more questions about the future and show increasing curiosity for things like clarity.
- You don’t hear younger generations say anything that resembles the vision as it was previously expressed.
- You have updated your campus or changed your key players once or twice without revisiting the vision.

Tags: Original Vision, Recasting Vision, Vision Clarity, Will Mancini