The Official 2016 Church Vision Generator

It’s that time of year again.
Time to resolve and time to budget. Time to exercise and to excise. Time to engage, and especially, a time to envision.
It is this time every year, that leaders across the Church landscape will dream, plan and inspire toward God’s preferred future. A few will dig in and collaborate with their teams to develop a viral language of vision. Others will read a book that explains and guides them to craft vision, like Will Mancini’s upcoming release God Dreams.*
But unfortunately, many well-intentioned church leaders will simply imitate successful statements from other congregations. Or even worse, they will piece random visionish-type words together that sound catalytic… yet remain catatonic.
For those in the later category looking for a bit of help, once again this year, with tongue firmly-in-cheek…
Here is your Official 2016 Church Vision Generator:
(Click image to enlarge)
*God Dreams, is the anticipated follow-up to Will’s first book on crafting vibrant vision: Church Unique. God Dreams releases January 1, from Amazon and other retailers. Download a preview PDF of Chapter 1 here.