What is Your Vision Worth to You?

The king said to me, “What is it you want?” Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king, “If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my fathers are buried so that I can rebuild it.”
Nehemiah 2:4-5
Nehemiah left a comfortable job with the Persian government and risked his life in the presence of the king for the opportunity to rebuild the walls.
God’s vision for his life was worth everything to him.
His job security.
His status of living.
Even his life.
What is your vision for your life worth to you?
Honestly. What would you give up for it?
Your time?
Your pay grade?
Your comfortable lifestyle?
Your current career to start a new one?
Your current home to move to a new one in a new city?
Your relationships that are holding you back or bringing you down?
Even your life?
If not, the problem probably isn’t that you’re just not passionate enough about what your vision for your life is. It could be. Maybe you’ve just been lured into apathy and complacency for a vision that’s truly worth everything. But probably not.
The problem might be that your vision simply isn’t worth being passionate about. The problem might be that you’ve got the wrong vision. Or at least a vision that’s too small.
People who are living in God’s vision for them generally don’t have to get psyched up for it. They have down days. Days where it’s hard to keep chasing after it. Yet their passion sustains them because their vision compels them. Passion is what you’re willing to give up for what you love. And the assumption is that what you love is worth giving something up for.
If your vision for your life isn’t worth giving yourself up for, it’s not worth giving yourself to. Stop wasting time spinning your wheels on something that can’t stir passion within you.
Go back to the drawing board. Pray. Seek. Dream.
And acquire a vision worthy of your life.
Read more from Steven here.

Tags: Steven Furtick, Vision Clarity, Vision Frame