Why Church Leaders Need Coaches

We love a good software solution to help church leaders find a better “how” to carry out their ministry vision. Obviously we do, because that’s what we provide day in and day out! But any software, no matter how awesome, can’t do everything when it comes to truly growing and nurturing disciples. That’s the work that can only be done by people, with people, and for people.
And it’s really, really hard work.
That’s why we’re such huge fans of having church leaders seek out the support of ministry coaches to help them live in the tension of managing and ministering to the needs of people across their congregations.
Here’s why partnering with ministry coaches can help you take your personal leadership and your ministry’s impact to a greater level than you can get to alone:
- You don’t have to have all the answers. When you’re a senior leader, the pressure to have all the answers can get intense. But you’re just one individual—with all the limitations that come from being an individual in a very high-pressure position. Partnering with a ministry coach helps alleviate the pressure to have all the answers, and it gives you a safe place to discuss your challenges and create solutions.
- You know what questions to ask. Just as in the situation above, the stresses you feel around knowing the answers can be compounded by not knowing what questions you even need to ask. Again, a coach can help you see your current ministry challenges from a new perspective and can help you learn to ask better questions.
- You have more margin for ministry and for life. Coaches, with their unique experiences and perspectives, can help you see the tasks you’re doing that can be transitioned to someone else and can help connect you with resources to make your current activities more efficient.
- You can see the road ahead. Finding a coach who’s just a bit further down the road of ministry and personal development can help you see what your future might look like. Your coach should be a step or two ahead in the skills you want to develop, and they can help you lay out a plan to grow your ministry and your leadership.
Church leaders were never meant to go it alone. With the partnership of an experienced coach, your ministry and your personal development will grow in ways you never could alone.
How has a ministry coach helped you grow? How would you like to grow?
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Tags: Church Community Builder, Coaches, Coaching, Leadership Coaches