The Secret Sequences & Systems of Ministry Innovation

Sequencing matters. Service matters. Systems matter.
And so do people.
When sequencing and systems fail to help our guests effectively experience quality service, or take practical steps toward desired outcomes, people are not valued. We don’t communicate that they matter. At least we fall obviously short.
Our connections team has been assessing processes, systems, staffing and teams that most effectively help our people take their next step toward Jesus – particularly, new guests to our church. Although someone’s very next step after an initial weekend service may be to come back the next weekend, we can’t assume that is the only step a guest may want or need to take.
How do people meet others? Find a sense of belonging? And in doing so take a step on their journey toward and with Jesus?
Sequence matters. And that means opportunities must be carefully planned and offered.
Environments, services, gatherings, resources – all matter. They help people meet, focus, grow and figure out their next step.
Systems matter. Clarity makes the next step even possible. Following up communicates care.
Susan Abbott over at theIdeaStudio talks about sequencing as a way to innovate the guest’s or customer’s experience. No, she is not observing church ministry; she is looking at fast food delivery systems and insurance claims processes. She suggests that by altering the sequence of events, an organization can discover process innovation.
She offers this exercise:
Consider the sequence of delivery of the elements in your consumption chain. Write them on a piece of paper. Mix up the papers. Describe a sequence for each random mix you come up with. Try not to reject it out of hand … see if you can think of a way to make it work.*
Okay, this whole exercise goes south if you think of your church guests as a “consumption chain,” so don’t. You get the point. What helpful sequencing might come of this exercise in your ministry team? Non-profit? Marketplace business?
If you’re brave enough to give it a shot – report back through a comment.
Our team is going to dive into it. I’ll let you know…
Read more from Mark here.

Tags: Mark Waltz, Sequences, Systems, ministry innovation