Four Focusing Questions to Save Time with Social Media

The way to keep social media simple is to be selective.
Social Media can be overwhelming. Don’t get me wrong: I love social media.
Social Media exists for three reasons:
- to connect with people
- to share with others
- to learn from others
If you feel like you are spending too much time with social media,
Ask yourself these questions:
- Why do I want to go to this social media site?
- Is this site more conducive to broadcasting or engaging in a network of people?
- What’s the benefit of this social media site to me?
- Am I looking to pass the time using a social media?
Here are the Apps I use:
- Instagram. I love taking pictures. I love learning form others. Some great connections have been made over the last years.
- I use the free Buffer App to schedule the sharing of things I think are important. This saves me lot’s of time and I don’t have to be online all day.
- I used the JustUnfollow service to unfollow some people on Twitter whom I had no idea why I was following. A cleaner twitter stream means I’m less likely to miss out on what my friends have to say when I log in to join the conversation.
- Hootsuite. I enjoy being involved in chats, and answering and asking questions online. I respond to nearly everything…just not necessarily the very second you contact me.
- My goal is to check in on Twitter and Facebook at least twice a day to keep the conversation going.
I’ve turned off notifications on my phone for my Social Media apps. By having these social media apps off on my iPhone means I’m fully present locally but able to connect without distraction online when I do log in each day.
Tell me…How do you keep social media simple?
This post is inspired by Dana Byers
Read more from N.D. here.

Tags: Attention, ND Strupler, Social Media