Using Repetition to Reiterate What’s Important

A CEO of a large start-up recently made this comment:
“I used to assume everyone on the team knew the grand vision, but an informal survey revealed the opposite. New employees had no idea what we were aiming for in the long term…”
Clearly, he felt he was falling short of his leadership responsibility to clearly articulate goals.
It left me thinking: in my efforts not to be too repetitive, am I failing to communicate effectively? Sure, we have a major team offsite that covers long-term strategy once per year. But in every other meeting, I am focused on goals for the month and other team issues. Our roadmap is accessible to the entire team, and I’ve worked with at least half of these folks for many years. I always assume the team knows where we are headed.
It’s becoming more clear to me: Effective leaders (and brands) repeat themselves to the point where they can barely stand to hear themselves any more. When it comes to setting strategy, they make a few simple points multiple times. And they compromise on “new messaging” to reiterate what is most important.
Read the rest of the story from Scott here.
Read more from Scott here.

Tags: Attention, Awareness, Scott Belsky