Turning Problems into Solutions

Turning problems into solutions is really a part of our DNA – it’s how we make the impossible, possible.

Turning problems into solutions is really a part of our DNA – it’s how we make the impossible, possible.
Whether it’s education, business or a nation, significant accomplishments require us to look beyond our initial perceptions. They take vision, clear goals and unwavering commitment… diverse people open to different perspectives, willing to ask questions, to challenge the status quo and take a stand.
Tags: Creativity, Innovation, Michael McMillan, Recapture Vision
What can you do to prepare yourself for the VUCA world of the future? VUCA stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous.
Bob Johansen, a long-time futurist, former president of the Institute for the Future (IFTF) and author, insists that forecasts and predictions are not immutable outcomes. He insists that leaders — if they have the right skills — can make the future.
In the extensively updated edition of Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World, Johansen describes the forces that IFTF says will shape the world in the next 10 years. He argues that leaders will need new skills to manage those forces. The final chapter is devoted to the individual leader who asks, what can I do to develop my future leadership skills? Here’s a short version of Johansen’s recommendations:
Leaders will make the future, but they won’t make it all at once and they can’t make it alone. This will be a make-it-ourselves future.
Tags: Bob Johansen, Leadership Development, Recapture Vision, VUCA